Why telecoms must overcome its culture of physicism

The telecoms business has built its success on the back on advances in physics. This is turning into a cultural liability as it becomes a component of a distributed computing services industry.

Martin’s May Day

It’s my birthday today, 1st May. I am still closer to the landmark nerd birthday of 32 rather than the next one at 64, but not by much. As it is my day of indulgence, I would like to ask for a gift from you.

Let’s build a new and better kind of Internet

The case for why the world needs my unwritten book, The Internet is Just a Prototype.

Greatest Hits 2012-2017

I have collated all my key content from the last five years into a single resource page.

The next ARM is a networking company

The smartphone revolution is only possible because we broke the trade-off of low power consumption and high performance. This was achieved through the application of superior science and elegant engineering. A similar jump awaits the networking industry, but only if we can nurture the new mathematics and architectures from obscurity to the mainstream.

We are all UMs on the journey of life

No matter how grown-up any of us is or feels, we are all vulnerable inside, and seek reassurance and refuge from worry. How can businesses up their game on engineering positive feelings and avoiding bad experiences? Maybe we can glean some insight from how airlines treat their most precious cargo, children travelling alone.

Does telecoms have a penis problem?

In a male-dominated industry run through hierarchical masculine domination games, the feminine gets squeezed out. This stains the telecoms industry with a residual “penis problem”.

How to make money from telecoms

Are you a schmuck ripe for ripping off at the telecoms network casino? If you want to win at a game of chance, it’s really helpful to know which side you are on, the rules, and the odds. The abandonment of proper engineering has left the telecoms industry wide open to attack by people playing “network […]

WaaS opportunity for mobile, IoT and the personal information economy

Announcing a new workshop on the future of mobile, which we believe is Wellness as a Service (WaaS). This is brought to you as a joint venture between Martin Geddes and Lee S Dryburgh, founder of the Hyper Wellbeing initiative.

NEW! MAGICAL! Telco service quality glasses and gloves!

All your network performance and user experience quality problems can be resolved if you buy a set of my NEW glasses and MAGICAL gloves!