Why Hyper Wellbeing is the future of mobile: Part 1

Part 1: The failing “sick care” model The Hyper Wellbeing conference in Silicon Valley on November 14-16 is not “just another event” in an already-full calendar of “digital health” gatherings. It seeks to significantly raise our collective aspiration for computing. It is both profound and practical. The passion comes from a longstanding personal friend, Lee S Dryburgh, […]

The Guardian Avatar

An intellectual expedition into the future of voice services led me and my Hypervoice Consortium colleagues to a very unexpected conclusion. For us to successfully navigate the “metaverse” of human-computer symbiosis, we each need a “Guardian Avatar” to take care of our interests.

The Hyper Wellbeing manifesto

I believe that the computing industry is at the beginning of a fundamental shift. We have spent decades making machines perform human tasks, to liberate us from drudgery. Now our job is to humanise technology, and use it to raise our quality of life in new ways.

Hypervoice ecosystem map

In 2014 the Hypervoice Consortium undertook a research project into the future of voice. As part of that work we put together a map of the emerging ecosystem. It has been sitting on my laptop ever since, generating value for nobody. I have belatedly decided to share it with everybody.

Twitter: too much media, not enough social

Twitter is my digital chocolate. The term ‘addicted’ is inappropriate, as my level of commitment and attachment to both is near-absolute. Remission and rehab from their use is unthinkable. Instant information and copious cocoa are essential everyday luxuries: commodities that once were unknown, then expensive exotica, and now have become absolutely quotidian.

Beasts to superheroes to gods

What’s the greatest possible aspiration for technology? And what’s the one problem we need to solve if our beastly bodies are going to be morphed into gods?

Should BT be broken up?

I had two radio stations reach out to me this morning to comment on BT’s announcement of £6bn of fresh investment in broadband and mobile access. Whilst I was unable to oblige their listeners, I do have some thoughts to share on the matter.

The Future of Everything – IoE

I was asked this week to present at a private workshop on the Internet of Everything (IoE). The issue was how the telecoms industry can be prepared, and what needs to change.

The struggle to make software-defined quality of service (SD-QoS)

Nearly decade ago, I was busy using the Telco 2.0 platform to preach visions (mixed in with occasional hallucinations) of strategic telecoms futures. I explained [PDF] how the the industry needed to “slice and dice” its network resources up into different quantities and qualities.

Introducing ‘Hyper Wellbeing’: the next big tech revolution

One of the most extraordinary and ambitious conferences is being put on by my friend and colleague Lee S Dryburgh. He is launching the Hyper Wellbeing event which will run in Mountain View, CA, from November 14-16.