Archives for 2018

Planes have throttles, networks do not

When we use casual metaphors to describe complex technical systems, we inevitably get a mismatch. This is why ISP “throttling” cannot be regulated.

The Internet is Just a Prototype The week in hyperlinks

A weekly reading list to stimulate thoughts about the (digitised) world you might (or might not) want to live in.

Your capacity planning rules are backwards (so let’s fix them)

Every single telco has got the cause and effect between its network metrics and user experience backwards. Fixing this can easily save a lot of money.

Connected Britain The supereconomic broadband era

The Connected Britain conference in London gives a glimpse into the state of our broadband economy, which is shifting from speed to user value.

The Internet is Just a Prototype The week in hyperlinks

A weekly reading list to stimulate thoughts about the (digitised) world you might (or might not) want to live in.

Treason and text messages: whom to trust and what’s the truth?

In a world filled with opposing narratives, competing dogmas, and active disinformation, how to make sense of important, rich and complex new data?

Spirituality and science: how are they related?

The desire to acquire scientific knowledge is also an implied search for omniscience and omnipotence. Is “scientism” merely a misplaced form of faith?

Portless networking and container communications

The shift of computing from hosting to cloud to serverless has a parallel in communications technology and products. “Portless” is the new “packet”.

The Internet is Just a Prototype The week in hyperlinks

A weekly reading list to stimulate thoughts about the (digitised) world you might (or might not) want to live in.

Phone call of the future

What can the Victorians teach us about the future of personal communications? Quite a lot, as it happens…