“Corruption — The Biggest Industry”

New NFT art collectible plus a special 11/11 live webinar

Media is corrupt, tech is corrupt, defence is corrupt, academia is corrupt, pharma is corrupt… maybe our economic model needs recategorising into “corrupt” vs “clean”? For when you add up all the illegitimate flows in the world, corruption is easily the biggest industry of all. Everyone has a part in shrinking this sector, and growing the “clean” economy.

I am pleased to announce the next offer from the 11:11 Million Book Book Challenge, part of the Make Censorship History initiative. This time we have our third rare digital artwork (pictured) plus rare banned-by-Amazon first imprint book (in our series of 11). The artwork shown is by Matthew Lawler, who did the cover for my Open Your Mind to Change book.

A reminder of the plan… I am selling the 11 remaining copies of the banned book in my possession, and it’s the only way to buy a signed copy from me. Amazon created the scarcity, and I am making that boomerang and work in my favour. The previous four copies (two sold alone, two with digital art collectibles) have sold on an exponential pricing scheme, starting at £100. The next book together with this NFT artwork is priced at 1400 ALGO, around $2600, and the price doubles every time… while the stock dwindles to zero.

If you want to buy this “rare pair”, email contact@openmindschange.com and we will send you purchase details.

Buyers are betting they are getting a classic rare book that could rapidly appreciate in value due to its iconic anti-censorship status. They are also helping us to establish a model of fighting back against modern book burning, ensuring it doesn’t harm future creators by us pioneering new publishing models. Stop complaining about criminals running media and tech corporations, and bypass their power; it is everyone’s responsibility to innovate around the enemy.

Matthew has made this video explaining what we are going. I am glad at least one of us is videogenic!


We are also doing a live public access videocast on Thursday 11/11 at noon Pacific, 3pm Eastern, 8pm UK/Ireland, 9pm Western Europe. To sign up for this event you need to join the Sol Community network — the webinar is accessible via the free tier. Details of how to participate will be sent the day before.

I haven’t done any kind of live public event in a very very long time, so it is exciting to be back!