Over the past year, I and my colleagues in the Hypervoice Consortium have been working to explore and document the emerging “value-added voice” space. There are lots of companies integrating together different innovative capabilities, often in isolation from each other.
The purpose of the Hypervoice Consortium is to “join the dots”, and paint a picture of what voice communications is likely to evolve into. We promote the widespread adoption of these new capabilities, and the pioneers who build them.
Ultimately what matters is the impact on the end user. How does this technology innovation create value? To that end, we have written the Hypervoice Manifesto. It describes the core capabilities anyone should come to expect from a voice communications system in the post-telephony era.
In essence value shifts from “calls” to “context”. It is the fulfilment of what voice industry luminary Jeff Pulver hinted at a decade ago when he coined the idea of “purple minutes”, that were differentiated from standard “black and white” ones.
To read the Manifesto, click here.
Many of you share my passion for creating new and better communications services. I would greatly appreciate your feedback and comments, so we can improve how we explain the value of our vision.
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