- How do I obtain network metrics that reflect the true customer experience?
- How can I safely run my network ‘hot’, but not too hot?
- What is the best way to tame the operational complexity of my network?
- How can I assure good customer application outcomes?
- The performance engineering ‘balancing act’
- Skills development in network performance science.
- Consulting services to help you to contract, design and operate broadband networks.
- Tools to measure and monitor network performance using high-fidelity metrics.
Every network operator wants to minimise their capital costs by sharing their finite network resource with as many customers and applications as possible. With too little sharing, you don’t make money, as the resources are idle. With too much sharing, the customer experience is impacted, and willingness to pay declines. The challenge is to commission the right network resources, and then configure those to deliver an acceptable customer experience.
Network engineering is an immature discipline
Mature engineering disciplines like building construction or electrical engineering are able to use accurate models of their resources to confidently deliver systems to fine engineering and cost tolerances. In broadband we lack many of the robust engineering capabilities that were taken for granted in the circuit era, as well as in other industries. It is normal to work with metrics that fail to reflect the customer experience, and cannot be used to conclusively prove cause and effect. The result is unmanaged performance hazards, excessive capital cost from idle assets, and high operational cost from fault management.
Many companies will promise to help you reduce costs and improve performance. Can you be sure that their approaches will work, and won’t leave you with a residual unmanaged QoE or cost risk?
Your trusted performance engineering partner
We have made a number of conceptual and practical breakthroughs in network performance engineering. As a result, we uniquely have a scientific framework for customer experience and service quality performance management. This offers a rigorous engineering approach for broadband services: design, contracting, deployment, provisioning, service assurance and fault isolation. Consequently, you can manage with confidence the performance hazards and business risks along the whole supply chain.
We offer:
Whilst these techniques are generic, we have specialist expertise that is particularly useful in the deployment of small cells, RAN sharing, [etc].
Achieve optimal cost and performance at the lowest risk
Using our proven scientific approach, will we help you to escape the cycle of failed fault-fixing and vendor blame allocation. We will help you to optimise performance so that the QoE and cost risks are managed, and that you can be confident that won’t have any unpleasant surprises.
To arrange a call to discuss the first steps on this journey to a scientific approach to the performance engineering, please get in touch.