Notes from Andy Barlow’s seminar on maritime and commercial law

On Friday 8th March I participated in a well-attended seminar in London by Andy Barlow, founder of the I AM Community, and not to be confused with Shirley Bassey, who was a singer of the I Am song. I have taken my notes, and turned them (in truncated form) into an article to share in quasi-prose. If there are errors, they are mine to own. Reportage is not endorsement of everything said. It takes a collective moving in the approximately right direction to overcome this evil.
As a side comment on process, I took my raw notes and put them through ChatGPT with the command “I will paste some talk notes. Please reformat for readability into something easier to edit.” The later points were edited with Google Gemini (as ChatGPT wouldn’t oblige) with the command “I will paste a list of bullet points. Please re-order them logically, and add in headings.” AI is a tool that can be made to work with us, given some care, but ought to be disclosed. It tends to summarise things even when you say not to, and will lie about having done it!
If you get these newsletters via email, doubtless you will have spotted typos that escape my one pass for quality checking. That’s OK — I myself intentionally model the “active imperfection” in moving forwards. These are not final deliverable documents to a consulting client who has paid me $50k to look at their problem. The baseline is whether it is helpful at a personal level, not how it contributes to a business. On the same principle, I often delete social media posts before sending as “too much about me, not enough about them”.
The I Am Community
Founded, not led, by Andy Barlow; he emphasises privacy, and is subscription-based. Includes breathwork, healers, home schoolers, painters, decorators, medicines. Operates under the principle that a living man owns nothing and wants for nothing. Suffering from attacks; hence the stress on privacy and non-publicity.
Legal Principles and Tactics
Anger as a healing process; no one has the right to dictate one’s actions. Emphasizes practical lawful dissent, conditional acceptance, and invoice billing against police. Differentiates between living beings and legal entities. Uses a schedule of fees and high court actions due to corruption in lower courts.
Intention to create private trusts and the importance of having a live claim for children. Recognises sovereign status as private, not public. Contract law and trust law as foundations; equity is emphasised.

Remedies and Documents
Promissory notes are a mainstay; they must be managed with integrity and honesty. Discussion of three vital documents at birth related to trust and sovereignty. Article 61 and various acts cited, including traffic laws and the Interpretations Act. Common law is viewed as a threat [is for commoners — relinquish your true superior rights]; emphasis on understanding one’s (commercial) rights.
Personal Actions
Andy Barlow lives in a van, stressing freedom and simplicity. Encourages ownership over one’s actions and mistakes; advises owning up to them. Maintains various telegram channels, although infiltration is an issue.
Community Actions
Believes in having God on one’s side without being religious. Recommends private gatherings for manifestations and mantras. Advocates for private membership associations.

Finance and Sovereignty
Monetary System Critique: Questions legal tender and the assumption of payment at supermarkets. Discusses the conditioning of society to accept commercial norms. Speed cameras and the Interpretations Act mentioned in terms of lawful challenge.
Sovereign Living: Asserts that the sovereign is a private entity, able to create with sound and voice. Notes the differences between “want” and “need.” States that a sovereign owns nothing and desires nothing.
Trust and Equity
Concepts of Trust: Differentiates between public and private trusts. Addresses the necessity of intention in the creation of a trust. Discusses the significance of child’s real legal adulthood at 25, and the rights granted [to the Crown] until [the year] 9999.
Religious and Historical Context: Examines the role of religion in law and governance. Cites historical examples and media for teaching points.
Practical Application
Legal Defence Strategies: Discusses recording interactions for protection against crimes. Highlights methods for challenging parking fines and utilities. Shares experiences with the legal system and approaches to handling authorities.
Promissory Notes: Describes the process and challenges of using promissory notes. Shares personal experiences and cautions against greed. Emphasizes the time taken to perfect the use of promissory notes.
Court and Legal Processes: Discusses personal authority and the handling of claims. Provides insight into the use of affidavits and rebuttals in court.
Utilities and Living Arrangements: Explains methods to deal with utility companies and billing. Advises on engagement terms with companies providing services.
Ownership and Identification: Contemplates the sovereignty and legal definitions of ownership and identity. Challenges the conventions of registration and government documentation.

Wrap-Up and Philosophical Thoughts
Counsel on Wisdom and Action: Urges individuals to know themselves and differentiate between public and private actions. Highlights the importance of intention and staying honorable in dealings.
Community and Sharing: Encourages building community spirit and sharing knowledge and resources.
There were some specific points raised that I wish to highlight:
Understanding the Fraudulent System
- The baby heel prick test may be taking an authorised DNA sample. Vitamin K injection is evil.
- There are a lot of grifters and scammers on the “truth scene” who will take your money for processes and documents that are not proven and often have been lifted from other people without permission or reward.
- You cant “save the children” when you gave them away at birth to the state! You can only save them by restoring the live claim. Right now, children are assigned to a foreign trust for the first seven years of their life.
- Anyone who penetrates the birth trust fraud is putting themselves at risk; this is a vicious banking mafia. Likewise, if you are too successful at getting mortgages wiped out you might be threatened and blackmailed.
- We make all kinds of assumptions about the commercial system as they are norms, but they are unfounded. Nonetheless, just because you see it’s nonsense does not mean you can steal or otherwise do wrong.
- We have pauper passports; the real deal is a diplomatic one.
- We have unalienable rights, but if we don’t know them, and don’t defend them, they effectively don’t exist.
Legal Concepts & Terminology
- In common law a threat is an assault on the person; councils and utilities routinely assault us.
- Under common law you cannot protest, only have peaceful gatherings for public educational purposes.
- The word “sovereignty” comes from “suveran”; a suveran is an overlord, which means a sovereign is an underling.
- The word “you” is constantly used to trick you into making false assumptions; is a plural, who is [sic] “you” when said to a man?
- The (corporate) government has no jurisdiction over you without your consent. They are a principality — that only governs persons.
- Stick to plain English. Most of the advice on how to write your name, colour of ink, stamps, thumb prints, “notice to agent”, etc. is irrelevant to the outcome.
Challenging Utilities & Services
- Utility companies are committing fraud as there is nowhere in their license that said they can sell to you (as a domestic user) as a provider; it’s assigned to a postcode. They pay back to national grid, but are not selling or supplying anything.
- Be careful with electricity and gas, they can just cut your off. Companies like Haste will dig up the road to cut you off if you don’t engage. In their terms and conditions they have a right to come to disconnect you.
- And letters to “the occupier” are fishing expeditions out to hook you.
- With utilities, pay the standing charge to keep yourself in honour.
- According to the Water Act 2014 we can abstract 22 cu meters a day (11 baths) for domestic or agriculture use from any outlet or other source of supply; this technically makes water meters illegal, as the mains is a source of supply of God-given water.
- We are not investing in “purified urine”, and if you are forced to buy bottled water the water utility will refund you the money. It is malice to be forced to drink impure water. Likewise you can send them the bill for running your distiller.
Challenging Debt & Financial Contracts
- Promissory notes are real securities, and if used carefully are helpful is getting “the system” off your back. But if you are greedy you can end up in prison.
- All mortgages are fraudulent. There is no fixed term, which contracts require. There is impropriety of the interest charged. There is double and triple dipping of the payments. As such, all mortgages are null and void.
- Mortgage interest is ultimately going to the land registry, who are not declaring it.
Dealing with Officials and Enforcement
- Deal with everything via a c/o address, as bailiffs cannot come to your door. Use poste restante.
- Complain! For instance, parking, go to POPLA and make an immediate complaint that the signs are not correct. They have to go investigate, and often find private parking don’t have planning permission, the signs are the wrong height, or there is not enough information.
- According to the Harassment Act 1997 s3 says you can record without permission (even in court) if there is a possibility of a crime being committed. Otherwise, you can face 2 years in prison for recording in court without permission.
- Council tax is a trespass over the easement, and this needs to be answered when challenged.
- The Electronic Communications Act means that non-ink signatures are generally OK.