The Great Awakening

Our civilisation is going through a transformative period, where we become aware of deep deceptions and painful truths.

“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.” — Fyodor Dostoyesky

Can you feel it? There’s something that is very different about the world right now. You can sense a shift, but struggle to put words to it. Old maps and ways of navigating life aren’t up to the job. Competing and incompatible narratives about the nature of society are in vigorous competition. Some must collapse, since reality ultimately trumps even the most sincere fantasy.

Over the past 7+ years, I have put in far more hours of research and effort into a “side project” than I have into telecoms and tech. The subject doesn’t have a name, and there is no destination. If I was forced to describe it, I might choose “light and truth”. What is real, which way is “up”, and how can we really know? What I have discovered has forced me to reconsider many core beliefs.

There is no omnipotent fantasy of fixing the world all on my own. I just want to keep myself sane and my loved ones safe. Yet to have any impact in righting any wrongs of the world, and infuse one’s own life with lightness, it is necessary to engage in a Jungian exploration of the darkness of the soul and society. Confronting inner demons and outer devils is not a pleasant activity.

To a large degree, I have come to a final conclusion: evil has an antifragile “operating system”, with longstanding psychopathic cultures, each perpetuating malignant beliefs over many generations and centuries. To make sense of the present’s woes you have to retreat all the way back — to early civilisations and Biblical times. Sumer, Babylon, Egypt and Phoenicia inform the Western narrative; the prehistory of India, China and Japan equally so for the East.

The “golden thread” that unifies these, if there be one, is how technologies intermediate our natural social relationships and altruistic sharing nature. Guns, germs, and steel: yes, all do indeed play their part. Yet the most critical technology of all is money, which always implies debt (as all money is an IOU), and hence the potential for usury. When your debtor neighbour has a misfortune, do you collect his assets as collateral (leaving him destitute), or offer charity to right the situation?

Money represents an abstract claim on natural and labour resources, and can be accumulated without the physical constraints of owning and defending those resources directly with fences and shackles. It is, in and of itself, a neutral phenomenon: what matters is how we relate to it, and what boundaries we construct to limit its destructive downside. For the societal risk is that creation of money is captured by mafias, who then impose a debt-based system of enslavement.

The dominance of money over today’s society is so absolute that to question it appears to be an insanity. Yet when you step right back and understand its core function, the insanity is the system we live in. For the power we assign to central banks and fiat currency is that of the gods, able to manipulate people and events at a whim. To know why requires us to distinguish between two categories of money creation.

The first is that of ordinary commercial banking. Banks do indeed create deposits out of thin air when they loan you money. This is not of itself a problem: as long as the bank is solvent, the IOUs it creates are valid claims on real resources. Even if you cannot repay your loan, the bank is on the hook to make good the IOU to anyone who redeems it. Charging interest reflects this integral insurance element of banking, and is a fair reward for pricing it well.

Central banking is different. The origination of national debt, backed by the state’s power to tax, does not imply that the central banker will personally take on the burdens of caring for the sick and poor should there be a sovereign default. Central banking comes with the additional power to initiate collapses (via credit starvation), so as to enable the bankster classes to cheaply seize assets held as collateral.

There is also the inbuilt incentive to fund wars (loaning money to both sides), and to create a parallel system of political bribery, blackmail and corruption funded using fiat money, not all of which may be on the books — the US Fed hasn’t been audited for a reason. Finally, there is the temptation to inject money (and transactional relationships) into every social sphere, displacing the gift economy for which humans are neurologically hard-wired.

The control that money creation offers attracts the most sociopathic elements in society, since they must be entirely unempathetic to the resulting suffering of the populace. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the story of the last 6000 years is therefore the relationship between the money-changers and the temple-keepers, who ought to be the custodians of our collective morality. Who defines what is usury, and where charity should begin and end?

A “successful” takeover of society by debt-based slavery requires voluntary servitude, since force cannot scale. This means a pathocratic governance system that subverts natural law and human love. That in turn requires three ingredients: hierarchical structures under the cruel control of psychopaths; hidden (occult) knowledge, curated by secret societies, to create persistent covert power; and processes of infiltration, infection and inversion to redirect the resources and energies of institutions, especially those of a spiritual or religious nature.

As Mark Twain quipped, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn’t.” If you want to understand the deepest sources of power in the modern world, you need to understand how the custodians of the power of money operate. They are drawn from a small number of family bloodlines, both in the West and East. They involve a complex mix of both great good and true evil; the story is not a simple one. The wicked ones even have a doctrinal system you’ve not heard of — Luciferianism.

What I would like to suggest to you is that we are now at the very end of a 6000+ year cycle of this phenomenon, originating in Babylon (and its collapse), and tracing through the Silk Road and Roman Empire any beyond. There is no precedent to draw upon in our written history or personal experience for what is unfolding now.

The power of fiat money and central banks has led all of humanity to the brink of total disaster. We cannot socially or ecologically sustain another world war. Civil society is at breaking point, as we’ve “monetised” all social care (like that for infants and the elderly). Yet there is never enough money… by design, leading to neglect and breakdown of core institutions like the nuclear family.

The unacknowledged reality is that there is a spiritual war raging around us, and it can be seen in classical terms of light versus dark. The good news is that the light is winning, as it always eventually must. For however you describe and define it, the universe fundamentally is interconnected and seeks unity. Evil always collapses under its conceit that it can maintain separateness. It is like a physics of morality: it takes non-linear energy to compartmentalise us, and resist the unifying power of love.

What is happening right now — and yes, this will appear to be fantastamagorical to many — is the final unfolding of a process and plan that appears to have been hatched over decades (if not centuries). The old central banking system (Bretton Woods onwards) is being replaced — globally — with a new model. Indeed, Iraq is the first country to be “live” in a new financial system of a hard asset-backed currency. No longer will it be possible to fund wars via fiat currency, and if you try, you will be cut off from the rest of the global economy.

The Chinese are supplying the gold as collateral, the Americans are ending the corrupt private Federal Reserve (and preparing to prosecute the banksters and politicians), the BRICS are taking the lead (e.g. the CIPS system that bypasses SWIFT), the gold-backed petroyuan is live, the Euro is toast (just wait until you hear about the Iran deal’s corruption…), and countries like Zimbabwe and Vietnam are experiencing a major revaluation to the new model. It’s all out there if you care to look — just because the (Luciferian-controlled) mainstream media isn’t telling you doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

Over the next few months and years, there is going to be a Great Awakening, as society comes to terms with some staggering and unexpected changes. In particular, we will learn about crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated under the old fiat money regime — some well-known, others not so much. The level of embedded corruption (and blackmail, paedophilia, and treason) is going to astound most people who are only beginning their journey of awareness.

It took us 6000 years to get into this mess, so fixing it won’t be quick or painless. However, just as there is negative “occult” power in the world that enslaves us, there are also unseen positive forces for good. You’ve seen the surprise reunification of Korea, and it seems far more is in store, including a historic peace in the Middle East. There has never been a better time to be alive.

For those of us in the tech industry, we will be challenged to rethink our purpose and products. If double-entry bookkeeping is the original sin of money management, we have to be careful when scaling it with distributed ledgers. Just because there’s a number in a computer doesn’t mean someone has to be punished by a creditor. Our job is to reestablish social gift economies, and reinvent the incentives for a society where money has a different meaning.

In the meantime, give your thanks to those who are in harm’s way. This is also a “hot” war against an evil and corrupt system, albeit a silent war still invisible to most of the public. Dismantling human trafficking networks (i.e. slavery and rape) requires confronting the most evil of humanity. Many selfless people are in constant danger, and whilst we may be impatient for justice and change, the top priority right now is a safe transition.

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